Near-field excitation and near-field detection of propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on Au waveguide structures
MultiProbe Apertured NSOM Plasmonic Charactarization
Near-field excitation and near-field detection of propagating surface plasmon polaritons on Au waveguide structures has been perfomed with Nanonics Multiview 4000 Dual Probe system
Schematic of the MV4000 experimental setup for near-field excitation and near-field collection of SPP on gold waveguide structure (SEM shown inset) | AFM and NSOM 3D images of the Au Waveguide and the SPP distribution. The arrow shows the position of the illumination probe. The NSOM image shows exponential SPP decay with a propagation length of 550nm |
Published: Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 243118 (2009)
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