Video Gallery
AFM Videos
SEM Movie of AFM Probe Scanning a Grating
AFM Controlled Deposition & Imaging of Cells
Topographical & Thermal Measurements
Intro to AFM and Feedback Technology
Ease of Probe Mounting
NSOM Videos
Two Probe NSOM
Close Approach of Two NSOM Tips
Raman-TERS Videos
Bio AFM Videos
Live Cell Imaging
AFM Imaging of Neuroblastoma Cells
Nanolithography SPM Writing of a Protein
Deposition of Protein Nanoarray
Liposome Football
AFM Controlled Deposition of Cells and Subsequent AFM Imaging
Nanolithography Videos
Drawing Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Si02
Drawing Single Walled CNT Electrode Interconnections
Nanolithography with Online AFM Imaging
Deposition of Protein Nanoarray
Writing of a Protein
Deposition of Ultra-thin BSA Protein Lines on Si Surface
Filling & Preparing the NanoPipette Probe
MultiProbe Videos
Meet the MultiView
MultiProbe Vacuum Chamber - MV4000
Topographical and Thermal Measurements
Nanolithography with Online AFM Imaging
Close Approach of Two NSOM Tips
High Resolution MultiProbe Nanolithography
Nanolithography SPM Writing of a Protein
Microscope Rotation
User Presentation Videos
Prof. Federico Capasso (Harvard) Surface Plasmon Propagation and Nanophotonics Applications
Prof. Nic Fang (MIT) Quest for Optical Circuit Probe
Prof. Nancy Haegel (NREL) "Integrating Near-Field and Electron Optics..."
Prof. Ferat Sahin (RIT) "A Novel Approach to Nanoindentation with Multiple Probe Technology"
Prof. Kit Umbach (Cornell) Nanoindentation
Prof. Juan Merlo (BC) - "Coaxial Plasmonic Cavities..."